//=time() ?>
🍂🌾🍁 La tardor 🍁🌾🍂
Nova il·lustració!
Ahir va començar l'equinocci de tardor a l'hemisferi nord.✨
I la veritat que per a mi és l'estació de l'any que m'és m'agrada, i a vosaltres?🦊
#ilustracion #terreta #alcoi #muntanya #tardor #bosc #Autumn2020 #autumnilustration
@Banquozghost @SilkAvril @dwinle @cindy_bvb1 @kats_katspaws @Zukubuz @danielalippke @Searean2 @MagsYoungs @Lascivious_Lace TY, Neil 💜 Happy Equinox to all
22.9. at 3:31 p.m., the Sun entered the sign of Libra, the autumn equinox came, and astronomical autumn began. (National Library CZ Books of Hours from Sychrov VI D 25; Petrus de Crescentiis: Ruralia commodorum VII C 8;
Breviary XIII C 1a; Velislav's Bible XXIII C 124)
Sorry I am a bit late, but happy Autumnal Equinox from ZetaPro! 🍁
#firstdayoffall #AutumnEquinox #Autumn2020 #idolmaster #imas
Welcome to spring, my fellow Southern hemisphere buds <3 and have fun in autumn, sweet Northerners~!
Also, Ideally I wanted to have Spring and Autumn equinox pieces done for Bulbagarden >u> but I've been super stressed lately!
#Pokemon #SpringEquinox #buneary #bunnelby
Abm. Paul, Autumn, between 1810 and 1830. Popular graphic art print filing series, @librarycongress. #FirstDayOfFall #Autumn2020 #AutumnEquinox #Fall2020
Long beard and autumn leaf crowns 🍁🍂
#geralion / #geraskier
Thanks to @monstrostitty , my newest OC is brought to life! Meet Equinox, or Nox for short :3 I'll put the SFW refs in this tweet then make a second one for the NSFW ones. I'm making more about him all the time, so if you have any questions, I'll be glad to answer as best I can!
Happy birthday to my favorite goddesses of harvests and changing leaves, Minoriko and Shizuha Aki.
秋姉妹 | らい #pixiv https://t.co/H9CUuGv2Pa
#Fall2020 #FallEquinox
Little autumny Caleb to celebrate by favourite wizard and my favourite season 🍂🌒
#criticalrolefanart #AutumnEquinox
first day of fall y'all. 🍃
happy #autumnalequinox
... #FallOnMe #JackoftheWood #drawing https://t.co/gpy1X4fsvK
Happy #Equinox! Summer may be over, but that means we're one step closer to #EFNW2021!
What's your favorite thing about the Fall?
(Mocha's has something to do with coffee flavors, we think...)
[Art by: @sarah_leathers]
Today is autumnal equinox here in Finland. Welcome autumn~ 🍂
Art by @/moosemead
Happy equinox! Have a Keyleth doodle! #CriticalRoleArt #criticalrolefanart