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Colored version of the Patreon R63 Sam and Max sketches. Colored and cleaned up by

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Hey, everyone!! Sorry bout the lack of drawings. Still recovering from the flu. Anyway let's start off with from the comic painted as the new starter Giving him molotov cocktails seems appropriate.

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I'm honestly currently indecisive on which of the three starters I'm gonna take on if I get the game, but when I looked at Scorbunny, suddenly Max popped up in my head. I regret nothing

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Did somebody call for a cute pyro(maniac) rabbit companion?

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When comes out I’m choosing this one and I’m going to name him “Max”

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This article was really just a thinly veiled excuse for me to wax lyrical about how much I want a movie and TV series, but rebooting Pirates of the Caribbean is a dumb idea anyway: https://t.co/2YYdbAKTZ7

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Despues de mucho batallar, al fin pude terminar el dibujo, me encanto pero me provoco dolor en la mano xD

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Sam and Max
For reals this time lol
I’m sorry but I absolutely love these two
I just need the comics now lol

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Sam and Max
Legit this was an impulse draw, I rarely ever draw characters who are animals human but whe introduced me to these two I legit had to draw em like this
Don’t worry all art them in their actual forms soon

2 10

Decided to color an art piece by Purcell just for the sake of it. It was too good to not be fully colored. You can rate it up on Newgrounds if you so desire!: https://t.co/xFqJZJx0nO

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Yet another piece in my odd pair obsession of Oswald and Max. I have actually thought up how they'd actually meet, but im not sure i wanna drag ppl that far down the rabbit hole just yet. Also have a questioning max.

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Here is the odd idea. Now hear me out...I have no idea why I think this pair is interesting. They just are. Also my first time drawing either character. So here it is. Oswax. Omg..

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