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t-shirts and other products are now LIVE on ! With art by the fabulous ! And only $14 for the next 24 hours — other tees on sale until MIDNIGHT (Mountain) tonight! https://t.co/xy4rrCkPL8 https://t.co/dH8VyuTvEh

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65 401

If the new smash for switch is a new game or a deluxe port i still want subspace emissary back and juuuuuuuuuust sayin... The Shadow Queen would be a perfect big baddy for this. Just saying.

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どうしても描きたくて描いた美弥様スイートハート様がほんとにひどい出来なんですけど供養のために置いてゆきます もうBADDY見れないという現実がわたしを苦しめる…合法ドラッグBADDYまさにその通り

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83 471

【BADDY】(絵)記念写真シリーズ第2弾 この世界にスマホとかインスタとかLINEとかがあった場合 / 「これどこ見ればいいのー」「いいわよその辺テキトーに見とけば」「え~?」カシャッ「えっ今撮った!?ぼく絶対目線外れてるよね!?」

48 341

【BADDY】(絵)かわいい子たちを見るとすぐ記念撮影をさせたくなる病気 / 一緒に写る相手と服によって表情とリップの色を変えてくるスイートハート様とバッディさんに意外と可愛がられてるポッキーちゃんが描きたかった…

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月組BADDY 2月15日15時 スイートハート、ポッキー初対面

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Our Sprite Competition ends in two days! There's still time to Boss your Baddy! https://t.co/AdTj3dHhFl

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This drawing is inspired by a headcanon I thought of a long time ago.
Falsina has control over the hose, I feel like she was once one of Master Nyada's old students. Then something happened that caused her to become a baddy, and their companionship broke.

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Trade done by of them chasing down a baddy
Will work on my hopefully soon.

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I wanted to do a fancy design dress for 's baddy beauty Salem.

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This is Baddy Joushi, OC for Oct 17. I just wanted to draw a girl with crazy hair.

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I've got a juicy Jurassic World vore YCH up featuring everyone's new favorite baddy the I-Rex! http://t.co/AE2cAgaBP8

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todays update: the real-life baddy in comics... http://t.co/0YSt9MBAhg

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