commission for !! I’m always open for commissions!! Feel free to send a DM (cough*Ibegyou*cough)

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Day 11! Gnomes and Halflings!
V'nil Been is a beautiful gnome who enjoys singing and dancing for other people! That works for Wally Croft-- he's the laziest halfling ever, and is all about a drink and a show!

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I stayed up all night to draw these
Inspired by the new Godzilla trailer I wanted to draw something Godzilla themed for DnDecember
I took a lot of various liberties to keep it in line with what I know of DnD
(They're supposed to be Dragonborn just FYI)

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"Genasi and Dragonborn!"
Gazooba Voidmaw is a jolly dragonborn who enjoys valor, strength, and drink! Little does he know that the fire genasi that challenged him, Sunny Delores, is very capable of all of those things!!

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Day 9!
Tessa Valeria is a kindly aasimar who's forgotten who she was. She travels the multiverse, seeking clues to her past. Here, she meets Daffodil in the city of Sigil, a tiefling urchin who tries to make her way as a guide!

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A of a client's Satyr Bard! I really REALLY loved working on this one and I'm so pleased with how he turned out.

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Murmides, the teifling Gladiator. Sorry it's been awhile.

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For here is my newest character! I give you Regina "Reggie" Bloodfist Meadowwalker, half-orc paladin and part-time florist :)

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Leaping lizards, it's ! Pic done as part of the DnDecember event.

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The savage soul within most gnolls
Cares only for bloodlust and war
But every so often a dark-hearted gnoll
Makes a pact with death gods to gain more...

DnDecember pic for

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Wanted to make my first Dnd character, a small coward of a gremlin, strongest aspect is sneak and he's weak af, but he sure love his shiny stuff. His name is Randal!

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The gnome in the middle is the tallest of these three; if she could just stay awake they'd be unstoppable

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Group commissions from this year.

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I wanna do smaller pics inbetween the bigger pics I plan to do for DnDecember so here's a quick drawing I did of 's Bo and Rai
In this pic Rai has a had a bit to much to drink after the two have had a celebratory night out and Bo is helping her get back to the inn

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For free spaces, I decided I would create new characters!
This is Vertex, an aspiring fighter got it in their head that they wanted to be a vigilante hero! They're... not great at it, but still! They watch the city streets and do their best!

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My half-orc druid Kanjan bought a huge silver snail for 150G during our last session and named her Penelope ✨🐌

this was supposed to be a warm-up sketch but it kinda... escalated 💦

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Here's a guy I made for a game that lasted like maybe two sessions but I still like to use him for something!

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