And for my last post
"Dice, Dungeon Masters, and Decision Making"
I write for hours each week to make sure my players have a good time. I may play myself as an all-powerful looming deity sometimes, but...
I'm just a storyteller who loves their smiles.

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Day 27!
When Sunny Delores goes into her barbarian rage, she transforms, bulking up in size, muscle, fire power, and capacity to lay waste to her enemies. 🤘

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Day 26! "Swords, Spells, and Sneaking"
This is an old character I've decided to redesign named Xyzzy, an unknown being from the far reaches of the Astral Plane. He works for a wizard, sneaking into archives for spellbooks, in exchange for... souls. 😱

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Day 25 - "Might, Mind, and Muscle"
Not a mind in my roster mightier than Claudia Dansc! She hones her psionic abilities every day!

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Day 23 is "Piety and Pickpocketing"
I went with piety, because it made me think of Tilly Arapawa!
Tilly is a goatfolk and a cleric of Tyr! She had a vision where she would find and serve a champion of justice, so she set out to seek this holy warrior!

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Day 22!
An NPC I added to my Curse of Strahd campaign: The Necromancer. She worked for the Speakers of Zeidenburg, though she was willing to help the party out.. if they drew from her deadly Deck of Many Things.
"I don't make deals with cowards. Draw."

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Day 19! "Undead and Outsiders"
A funny idea a friend and I came up with when discussing the concept of magic "radios"-- A vampire talk show host in the same vein as Elvira.
Ambrosia, your Lady of the Night! Call in and tell her your deepest secrets!

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"Constructs and Elementals"
On my homebrew world of Eon, the Forged (not Warforged, since these beings were not made for war!) have a group dedicated to assisting the people of Tekka-- a police force there to keep the peace and serve when needed!

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"Dragons and Demigods"
I don't have those, but I do have a former god!
Dren the Merciless was cruel and destroyed mortals for the smallest reasons. Other gods struck her down, punishing her by making her mortal and banishing her to the Prime Material!

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"Demons, Devils, and The Blood War"
I have a character that fits this! He's an NPC I'm using in my run of Out of the Abyss, a red abishai by the name of Ventoth, who is scouting the underdark and trying to figure out what the hell the demons are up to.

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The 15th day called for "Kobolds, Goblins, and Critters"
I have a kobold named Sniv!
He is a good boy who made a promise to a mighty spirit to protect those who cannot protect themselves. He uses his magic amulet to call upon the spirit's power!

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Day 14! Free space!
Here's a new character!
Isra Zaman and her magical camp mysteriously appears to night-travelling adventures, almost as if she knows when people are in the need of food and rest. She's gone by morning-- many regard her as a dream.

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commission for !! I’m always open for commissions!! Feel free to send a DM (cough*Ibegyou*cough)

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Day 11! Gnomes and Halflings!
V'nil Been is a beautiful gnome who enjoys singing and dancing for other people! That works for Wally Croft-- he's the laziest halfling ever, and is all about a drink and a show!

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"Genasi and Dragonborn!"
Gazooba Voidmaw is a jolly dragonborn who enjoys valor, strength, and drink! Little does he know that the fire genasi that challenged him, Sunny Delores, is very capable of all of those things!!

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For here is my newest character! I give you Regina "Reggie" Bloodfist Meadowwalker, half-orc paladin and part-time florist :)

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For free spaces, I decided I would create new characters!
This is Vertex, an aspiring fighter got it in their head that they wanted to be a vigilante hero! They're... not great at it, but still! They watch the city streets and do their best!

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Bards and Barbarians!
Yoshiro is very tiny and frail, and Lief is very large and strong, but their love for song and dance can turn any tavern into a party!

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happy !! this my half orc berserker named rock
she was raised by goblins so she likes hanging out in caves 💀💢

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