✨Emotes for @/aidenzal and @/TaiofWinds

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MA RIDO PERCHÉ -anche se il fatto che quello a sinistra sia effettivamente un rilievo di Ningirsu (aka Ninurta) è ancora in discussione- HO BECCATO UNA COINCIDENZA CHE BOH

io faccio finta di averla presa da lì la cosa delle piume, assolutamente. 🤡💀🧍🏻‍♀️⚰️

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Fidenza has just been flipped by .

That being said the floor Fidenza is an insane one, I don't see it being being available for to long.


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2022 - Day 4 - The next next Fidenza
Vector fields with mesh lines, made with


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Squirrel-fairy flies where where somebody needs to be diapered :P
Partner No 25 Cadenza Squirrel
Notes: only provides pink diapers, she gives two diapers, she won`t change them.

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Prompt - Genuary 2022: The next next Fidenza.
Added motion, color interpolation & striped texture to quads along Bézier curves.

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fun fact: apparently cad drew inspiration for cadenza's girth from my gal lucy here

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day 4: the next next fidenza.

time was pretty limited today so just did something quick to revisit when time allows. next to particles, flow fields are my next favorite area of exploration.

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"The next next Fidenza", created for day 4.
Using the system I wrote for 'Attraction'.

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Genuary 04 - next next Fidenza (flow fields)
Started out reproducing the old Windows Solitaire win screen, and then slowly chipped away at it.

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Day 4 - Fidenza

My entries are mostly attempts at understanding how the original Fidenza algorithm works. It was my first time using flow fields, which was quite fun.


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Genuary Day 4: The next fidenza

(aka: a humble experiment around flow fields)

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"The Next Next Fidenza" or to me "Flowfields"

Hadn't worked with flowfields for a while, so this was a good opportunity

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then I ran w/ it and pushed it a little further.

I reasoned if Fidenzas were pop art, 2 movements from that ("next next") would land it in 'neo expressionism' (I'm not that smart, that's from Google) so I sampled a Basquiat, made the strokes perpendicular to the flow, and 🤪

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GM ☕️
Day 4: The next "Fidenza"

100% certain it's "Echos" ;)

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"the next Fidenza" (yeah right)

This one has some bugs, so here are four that worked. I'll post the code when it's fixed.

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GM folks! ☀️
Genuary Day 04 - The next next Fidenza

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Day 4. The next next Fidenza. I didn't fancy tangling with flow fields today so this is loosely based on a non turbulent piece (ie Code here: https://t.co/Zk20zjITyq

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Day 4: "The next next Fidenza"

Looking for the next next Fidenza, you're drawing flow fields day and night, carelessly smudging the pencil drawings with your frenzied hand. It must be here, somewhere...

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