2022年の初めの頃に取り組んでいた の作品をまとめました。ジェネラティブアートと呼ばれる世界です。すべてTableauで作成しています。楽しいので興味あればぜひ2023年に一緒にやりましょう!

GENUARY2022のまとめ https://t.co/tBD1gwmcn1

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のときに書いたサークルパッキングを、Okazzさん( )のコードを参考に、更に円の範囲内でのサークルパッキングにした。とても良い…。自分なりに消化したい…。
Reference: Okazz : https://t.co/QPuV6is7i4

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The last piece is titled "Where are we going?." It is a plotter painting made in 2022 It is inspired by Sol LeWitt, and undoubtedly one of my favorites pieces.
Thrilled to present these paintings to you!

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Day 4: The next next Fidenza.
Probably my favorite one so far. I was not able to implement Perlin noise so I created my own noise for this.

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Genuary 030 - Penultima Spire.
Prompt: Organic looking output using only rectangular shapes.

Had to take a break , I was burning myself out with the dailies so here goes the penultimate Genuary output... but in February :)

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Huge thanks to for organizing

It was super fun and challenging to participate this year. I was amazed every day by the creative and skilled responses to the prompt. 😍

Here are some outtakes from various prompts!

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Genuary 029 - Scattered Diamonds.
Prompt: Isometric perspective.

A lot harder than I tought, I'm not even sure I did it right. I used the Orthographic Camera in Threejs. I like the composition tough

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day 29

isometric perspective

Not a new work, but one of my favorites from Tropism on . There are a lot of great isometric results in the series.


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Day 27 :

Crossing lines generated with this color palette

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GM on day 29 of 😊
Right now, we are working to add more details in our Art and extending my code 🥰

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I was wondering what was all those colors (0x2E294E 0x541388 0xF1E9DA 0xFFD400 0xD90368). I realized it was yesterday's !
A bit late but here it is.

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Day 27, 's palette.
Great palette for knn blending.

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