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Today's New Moon bathes & heals by shedding its skin in Scorpio:

'Mother, the moon is dancing
in the courtyard of the dead.'
-Federico Garcia Lorca-

🎨Christian Schloe

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"I am the lady of the castle. My name is exile. My name is anguish. My name is longing. Far from the world on the windy crests of the mountain, I am kept in absolute seclusion. My time passes in an endless reverie, a perpetual swooning."

-Angela Carter

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✨Wonderful Witches
Art by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite

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In Scandinavian folklore, a troll cat is a cat made by a witch from bones, sticks, wool, hair, nails, metal scraped off a church bell and graveyard soil. It was believed that the troll cat gained life in a magic ritual where blood was sacrificed.

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'When the air grew chill, and the sky more fierce, when the rains carried out their patient vengeance, and the wind went wild, that was when she came.'
- The Weather

by Rima Staines

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Millicent Sowerby, British (1878-1967) 222

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In the Tlingit vampire legend, a flesh-eating giant is defeated by a brave warrior, who chops up & burns the body. The ashes turn into a cloud of mosquitos, & the man hears the giant's voice declaring, "I'll eat you people until the end of time!"

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"The Soldier and the Vampire" tells of a serviceman who visits home and finds an undead warlock stealing blood from civilians. (Source: Russian Folk-Tales by W. R. S. Ralston).

Art: "Ryott, Bloody Warlock" from Legends of the Cryptids wiki.

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The vampirix strix of antiquity feasted on the blood and flesh of newborns, but could be driven off by garlic in an infant's mouth at night. Likely descended from owlish Lamashtu, striges are also considered witches.

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Celtic Vampire-lore Scottish Baobhan Sith means “fairy woman” who appears as a red-head beauty with a flowing Green gown that covers her deer hooves in place of feet. This deadly night creature drinks human 'blood' and sleeps during the day

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Davy Jones is a phantom pirate who serves the Devil. He menaces sailors and pirates alike, capturing them to steal their souls to keep in his ale locker. As famous as he is, the origins the Davy Jones myth remain unclear.

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The Chupacabra's name translates into literally ‘goat sucker’ but it also preys on humans throughout the Americas. Its has sunken and bloodshot eye sockets, along with its razor-sharp claws and fangs.

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Angela Carter wrote a wonderfully creepy depiction of vampirism with "The Lady of the House of Love."

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Mama, Mama, help me get home
I'm out in the woods, I am out on my own.
I was stopped by a vampire, a rotting old wreck
It showed me its teeth and went straight for my neck.

A Child's Walk Home Nursery Rhymes and Folk Tales
Lauren Oliver


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Abhartach was a psychotic dwarf chieftain from Donegal, Ireland who, despite being slain and buried by Cathán, a neighbouring chieftain, kept re-emerging from his grave to terrorize the village. Cathán found out that Abhartach was simply a dearg-dililat.. 1/2

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In tombs of gold & lapis lazuli
Bodies of holy men & women exude
Miraculous oil, odour of violet.
But under heavy loads of trampled clay
Lie bodies of the vampires full of blood;
Their shrouds are bloody and their lips are wet.
—WB Yeats, Oil & Blood.

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How many centuries must pass before the blood of so many has soaked deep enough into the earth to be forgotten?
–Anne Rice, The Witching Hour (Lives of the Mayfair Witches)

🎨Angelina Zhogina

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In Galician lore, the "meiga chuchona"(sucker witch) enters houses every night to suck the blood of children, so that they become weaker and weaker. And the "chuchasangues" (blood sucker) hides in dark alleys in winter to kidnap children and suck their blood.

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The Dance of the Baobhan Sith

art/Erin Claire

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