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Plays when Tsurusaki attempts to use his infrared scope for the first time.
What's happening in and around the Cave Nebula? To help find out, NASA's orbiting Spitzer Space Telescope looked into this optically-dark star-forming region in four colors of infrared light https://t.co/wtqCm0Lbnq
The Cave Nebula in Infrared from Spitzer: https://t.co/UoBX4hyySm by @NASA, @NASAJPL, @nasaspitzer
💫 Heading into the weekend like Zeta Ophiuchi
Stellar winds flowing out from this fast-moving star make ripples in the dust as it approaches. They create the glowing bow shock seen seen here in infrared light by @NASASpitzer. https://t.co/TyH2nYHqAl
#FridayFeeling #SpaceDay
Chinese researchers give mice infrared vision using injectable nanoparticle transducers that bind to light-sensitive cells in the retina
https://t.co/Fu9NXVE3P5 via @Helena_LB
Teleskop darat Vista (ESA) terkoneksi dgn Teleskop Luar Angakasa HUBBLE (ESA/NASA) menangkap keindahan Horsehead Nebula dlm gelombang cahaya "Near-Infrared".
【2月16日発売】Air Jordan 6 “Black Infrared”【エアジョーダン6】
#AirJordan6 #JORDAN https://t.co/LY4lU7p3O7
Morning near Whitehouse creek trail
#californiacoast #bnw_planet_2018 #bnw #bnw_photography #bnwcaptures #bnw_legit #bnwlas #bnwmood #bnw_greatshots #monochrome #infraredlandscape #infrared_images #infraredworld #infrared #lifepixel #lifepixelinfrared
When mixing liquids of different temperatures, they will come to equilibrium. The cooler liquid will warm up while the warmer liquid cools down. By looking at systems in infrared we can see their temperature and watch this heat exchange occur https://t.co/7vwJ6tkk6T
'Tech-In-Colour:🏜🖥📀📱.#illustration #drawing #cartoon #uvlight #bluetooth #infrared #fashionillustration #fashionsketch #whitelight #bluray #exposure #vanity #sunbed #selfcare #animation #colours #sketch #fashionart #poser #creative #art #copicmarkers #artist #sexy
This gorgeous infrared satellite image of the Susitna Glacier in Alaska looks like a painting of a blossoming cherry tree.
Who said science and poetry were not a match?
Jupiter looks quite different in infrared light. Featured here in 2016, three bands of near-infrared light coming from #Hubble observations, have been digitally reassigned into a mapped color image https://t.co/uFTDRfw6L8
'Tech-In-Colour: InfraRed' 📲.#illustration #drawing #cartoon #stilettos #costume #animation #colours #sketch #fashionart #poser #creative #redhead #futuristic #infrared #strikeapose #technology #red #lycra #catsuit #artist #sexyandiknowit #expressyourself #hobbylobby