lipstick causes a leak of energy and thus the collapse of the body. However, Aya is able to fix the body if she wills it.

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the air and explode with great force, a couple of bombs being able to inflict significant damage on a building.
The Stand can place as many pins as it wants.

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splash those on-board. Humans are the only things that are affected by his saliva allowing him to use mosquitoes to spread it.

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10 66

“I rejected my humanity long time ago, JoJo”

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spring traps or freely change the whole form of the object, for instance displacing the opening and neck of a bottle along its side or changing someone's bone structure and muscle into springs.

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all directions, tearing everything apart in a large area with fast water bullets.

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subject's aura points vertically. Telence is also free to examine several people at once although he may forget about them.

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Thinking of beating up Miraschon in order to stop Marilyn Manson also counts as cheating. On the other hand, the User can still be coerced into returning whatever Marilyn Manson has collected, potentially saving a dying

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The Lock is shown to be capable of detecting dishonesty in a person. Though this power isn't elaborated on in much detail, Tamami explains that The Lock will move if it senses honesty, and stays still if it senses dishonesty.

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