Para comenzar la semana, "Jersey inglés" de LeMans en versión Bôas Teitas

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style of the Tufted Tit Tyrant (Anairetes parulus). by John Gerrard Keulemans for Richard Crawshay, Birds of Tierra del Fuego (1907). Contributed for digitization in by : --

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The European green woodpecker (Picus viridis) feeds primarily on ants. by John Gerrard Keulemans for Lord Lilford's "Coloured figures of the birds of the British Islands", v. 2 (1885-97). In via :

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Dogs, jackals, wolves, and foxes: a monograph of the Canidae. With woodcuts, and 45 coloured plates drawn from nature by J.G. Keulemans and hand-coloured. By Mivart, St. George Jackson. London R.H. Porter 1890.

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A monograph of the lories, or brush-tongued parrots : composing the family Loriidae. By Mivart, St. George Jackson., Keulemans, J. G., Bernard Quaritch &
George Philip & Son. London: R.H. Porter,1896.

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To celebrate the birth of 's two-toed sloth we wanted to share this beautiful original water colour by Keulemans with you. It went on to be published in the 1872 'Proceedings' of ZSL with the caption "1 Cholopus Hoffmanni 2 C. Didactylus"

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A history of the birds of New Zealand. By Buller, Walter Lawry, Sir, & Keulemans, J. G. London: John Van Voorst, 1873.

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Happy Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis). by John Gerrard Keulemans for his Onze Vogels in Huis en Tuin, Vol. 2 (1873). Contributed for digitization by the Research Library of the : --

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With new LeMans Rules looking to incorporate 'road car styling' onto the LMP Class, could we see a big manufacturer influx into the WEC with cars like this?

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A few mini canvas panel studies I’ve finished while painting live here at Epcot International Festival Of The Arts! Kinda excited about the koala. Love how it turned out. 😀

Reminder: If you can’t make it to Epcot, but you want one:

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Kaipaatko tekemistä joululomalle? Suosittelemme tylsyyden torjumiseen tietysti animea! Kunniavieraamme Tensai Okamuran kädenjälkeä löytyy seuraavista sarjoista:
- Ao no Exorcist
- Wolf’s Rain
- Naapurini Totoro
- Seitsemän kuolemansyntiä

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Percy Newton from The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee , one of my favorite books I've read this year!

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Acorde a la sugerencia de , en incluimos una versión de la hermosa creación de "Jersey inglés" por -

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Only a few days left to claim 10% OFF PORSCHE gear in store. Enter code PORSCHE10 at checkout

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