I'm just some guy
Living in this life
I'm just some guy
Living in this life
I'm some guy
All alone and by myself
I'm just some guy
No one cares too much 4 me
I'm some guy
Living in this world for free

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Illusion of Art
Information Age

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The interest of the people first
Political and corporate interests last

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The rising cost of living
Is above and beyond affordable

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Nobody is perfect
Everyone makes mistakes
Rich man
Poor man
Big or small
Forgive & Forget

For better or worse
People are people
We're in this together


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Speaker of the House

Nancy Pelosi Edit

Information Age of the
Money Culture

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I heard a big bell ring
Nancy Pelosi muttered something
This is what she said
I remember
I forget
I lay awake
All night in bed

That's what she said to me
I don't remember anymore

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When you walk in golden halls you get to keep the gold that falls
Heaven and Hell
I remember hearing
Exactly what she said from a song

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So nice to meet you
Is all I remember now
But sometimes I remember
The other things that she said

Nancy Pelosi Edit

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Up ahead in the distance
I saw shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

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Hotel California

On a dark desert highway
Cool Wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas
Rising up through the air

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