"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, as long as you remember to turn on the light," as the great Dumbledore said 😉

1 11

The war united people and opened the eyes of many countries to the fight against dictatorship, terrorism and inhumanity. By protecting its land, 🇺🇦 will become much freer, sadly having to pay such a bloody price.

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Sucker punch
digital graphics

Terrifying and mesmerizing to look how against all laws of nature the midnight becomes a day.

Reference footage in replies.⤵️

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My cartoon for Tuesday's (on the story of mine sniffing jack russell gets medal from Zelensky)

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J'en ai recree et decline le dessin en couleurs naturelles, et avec celles du drapeau Ukrainien 🇺🇦

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40 day of the war in Ukraine.
40 day of the russian aggression, terror, killings and rapes of our people on our land.
We will never forgive. We will always hate.

These days are mentally super hard.

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Something I did a few days after the attack of Russia on Ukraine - I started doodling it somehow subconsciously as I watched the news in disbelief that something like this will happen in XXI century, yet here we are.

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To our doctors, nurses and everyone who save lives in times of war, thank you. 💛💙

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Speaker of the House

Nancy Pelosi Edit

Information Age of the
Money Culture

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When you walk in golden halls you get to keep the gold that falls
Heaven and Hell
I remember hearing
Exactly what she said from a song

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