画質 高画質

😔✨️I don't share a lot about my own characters in here- so- the one in the left is my Kasen. And the handsome with long hair is 's Emillian 💘 this is a little drawing I made for fun- 😔✨️

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"You're the one been chosen. Play the part like Moses. Keep it fresh like roses!" Lucky Rebel, has gotten a make-over!

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TOMMORROW at midnight EST! The winner of the is chosen.

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Just 3.3 days left to secure your copy of our final issue before have a glow up.

Resident maverick delivers a typically left field take on our issue theme with this piece on the enigma Thomas Gravesen.

took it and ran (far)


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Oh mann... es tut schon so weh das nur zu lesen...

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Todos felices por un nuevo visual de la nueva temporada de Jujutsu Kaisen...
Yo: Veo gente muerta 😭😭

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683: LEGO Ideas recently held a poll for users of the site to vote on which variant cover drawn by Takeshi Miyazawa (known for issues of various Spider-man series) of the Garmadon comic series they would like to see for issue Ultimately, the third cover was chosen.

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⛩️ Así queda compuesta la imagen promocional completa de la segunda temp. De JUJUTSU KAISEN... Preparen los pañuelos 🥹

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Another trainee has risen.. Suteki can now join the elite few: The Henshin.

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Amy has appeared in games and other media along side Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. Even Sonic Boom, they could’ve choose a different female character for the boom era but, Amy was chosen. Even in the Advance series she still was there with Team Sonic.

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Se revela una nueva imagen promocional para la 2da temporada de Jujutsu Kaisen.
Esta temporada se emitirá en 2 cours consecutivos.

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Nouvelle affiche pour la saison 2 de l'anime Jujutsu Kaisen.

L'anime aura 2 cours consécutifs (deux parties sans pause) dont l'arc Shibuya.

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"Remember, with curses, the weaker they are, the more they group together. The same can be said for human beings."

This fascinating quote stood out to me from Jujutsu Kaisen. I can see how and when this can be relevant.

What do you think?

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Standpunkt denke ich, ist es falsch sie außen vor zu lassen. Wie soll man Leuten klar machen das diese Wesen lebende atmende Tiere waren wenn man nicht die ganze Bandbreite ihrer möglichen Verhaltensweisen aufzeigt? Wenn man aus ihnen mehr macht als nur Monster.

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Raubtiere verbringen große Teile ihres Tages mit schlafen, das spart Energie und wird bei großen Raubsauriern nicht anders gewesen sein. Auf der anderen Seite waren große Pflanzenfresser garantiert keine sanften Riesen. Spontane Gewaltausbrüche und Kämpfe untereinander...

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Oh wow, WAGS! This would be an incredible opportunity, yes I would love to be considered.

"It's all smoke"
"Whiskey on the train"
"Cat nap dreams"

Sharing recently collected artwork to reward these amazing collectors if they are chosen. Thank you!

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Ohhh I can wait to see if I get chosen. Thanks for this opportunity

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We pressed it. We had to see what would happen.

Little did we know these three critters have been chosen..

Soon the prophecy will be fulfilled.

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Meine cute Drachenwaifu hat mir heute etwas sehr schönes geschenkt und auch mein guter Freund Teddy hat mir eine freude bereitet. Ich hab so tolle Freunde und ich bin super glücklich diese Personen in meinem Leben zu wissen. DANKE ❤️

Hug Bild
Pixel Bild @/Teddy

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