Lunchtime sketch with Arex from the Star Trek: the animated series and Data’s daughter Lal from the episode “The Offspring”.

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“Who’s in charge here??” Lt. Tasha Yar and Dr. Beverly Crusher arrive on the Orpheus! ✨🌟written by for our Waypoint story coming NEXT MONTH! from

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Ensign Ro from See you tomorrow at Desucon Frostbite! :D

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Since people liked my Picard, I did a quick one of Data and his evil brother Lore from Star Trek TNG episode “The Descent Part 1&2”.

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Not as cool and gruesome a look as in "Genesis" but I REALLY wanted to add those back leggies! I guess this could be an AU where ppl just stayed sort of regressed/mutated or something. Reg doesn't look like he's having a great time of it though 😂😂😂

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Remember that one episode where Q turned Beverly into a dog for 2 seconds???

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Data after inserting his MADNESS CHIP into his robot brain from that one episode. It turned him into an asshole.

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Day number 2 of so I decided to post the most iconic number 2 standing next to the most iconic number 1.

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