Unikitty: *sniffling* Th-Thank you... so much! *she gives them one last big hug*

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*Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles came to say goodbye too*

Unikitty: Mr Hothoof... M-Mrs Whistles...

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Lachlan: You picked a bad time to enter the bakery, dinosaur! ‘Cause these cakes are not on the menu! *wiggles his butt*

Unikitty: Ooh, good one! I have to remember that one!

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Unikitty: And there were some... weird moments too... like this scene where you and Rainbow Dash-

Lachlan: Ah-uh... I prefer not to acknowledge filming that scene...

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Rainbow Dash: Thing is, he wasn’t acting in the sad moments of the movie, he was really crying. Poor little guy.

Lachlan: Rainbow Dash...!! *bawling* I’m so sorry! I let you and everypony down...!

Unikitty: Oh... I-I can see that now...

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Scooby: Hey, that was pretty good!

Unikitty: He sounded like Crash Bandicoot as well!

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Unikitty: *sniff sniff* I’m gonna miss you both too! *she hugs Gabby first*

Gabby: *wipes her tears* Say “hi” to your friends back home for me...!

Gilda: *nods, tears welling up as Unikitty hugs her too* S-Same for me...?

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Twilight: Ooh! You know anything Rafiki paints is or will be true!

Unikitty: Does that mean... Kion and I are really meant to be...?

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Unikitty: And... it is why I was trying to get the stones back in the first place...

Applebloom: Oh... r-right...

Lachlan: Maybe she has time for a little farewell party...?
*she doesn’t*

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Lachlan: I do understand... *sighs sadly*

Unikitty: Hey guys! We won! Why the long faces? Hihihi!

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Unikitty: *exhale* Okay... okay...

*back in the nurse’s room*

Fluttershy: *brings out a pack of cotton balls and a container of healing fluid* Now, does it hurt when I touch it? *she gently presses Twilight’s bruise until she says ow*

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Unikitty: *pretending* Oh thank goodness the real ambulance is here!

Lachlan: *pretending* What seems to be the trouble?

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Unikitty: *whispers* Can you explain to me?

Lachlan: *whispers* Look up, my friends heard my howl earlier. *wink*

Master Frown: Half right is still right!! Hahaha! *unaware of what Lachlan meant*

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Master Frown: I said Discord and I won’t lose to the two of you!!

Lachlan: *brushes his tail around Master Frown teasingly* You’re half right about that...

Discord and Unikitty: Half right?

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Unikitty: Ready!

Lachlan: *howls loudly at the two lords, making them think it was like a battle horn*

Music: (Wrapped in Black - Phase 2 “Sonic Rush”)


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*they were distracted enough for the two royals to quietly talk about their powers*

Unikitty: Lachlan, your eyes were glowing red... and zapping electricity.

Lachlan: Oh, that’s my special power I kinda used to fight you back in Las Pegasus... sorry about that again. *chuckle*

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Unikitty: You do...?

Lachlan: Discord’s done crazy chaotic things before, but I’m sure he’d never try to kill anyone... Something isn’t right with him...

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Unikitty: Master Frown’s said worse before.

Master Frown: It’s true.

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Unikitty: Lachlan, look out!! *she pushes him out of the way and the magic hits her* AGH!!

Lachlan: Unikitty!! *growls at Discord and Master Frown* Now I’m mad!!

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Lachlan: What’re ya gonna do? Bite me back? *shakes his butt at Discord* You can’t catch this!

Unikitty: *snickering*

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