As a Vtuber or content creator really, you should be reminded to have fun! To make friends and create amazing memories!

Don’t get caught up in those numbers, get caught up in those feels you get when hanging out with your best buds.

13 51

Today's kanji is: 帰, return! But don't use this kanji carelessly, lest you bonk your head~ (Dragon Quest reference)

So the way I remember this kanji is as a person (wearing an apron) using a broom to "return" the dirt on a path to the soil.


1 3

Older (scuffed) WIP from . As a joke I added a helicopter tail animation but because of the high speed it didn't work quite right. Enjoy the scuff.

5 19

Good afternyan! Today's kanji study is 行, go (to go).

So a way to remember this kanji is as a person standing at a signpost that they went to. ^_^

Remember, if you associate how a kanji looks with what it means, you're more than halfway there.


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🍨 Happy National Hot Fudge Sundae Day!

What is your favorite ice cream topping? Mine is ✨sprinkles✨

3 19

Getting ready for some Core Keeper with ! As usual, she will be making our base and I will be exploring and getting her the raw materials I need. ^_^

See you on my channel in a bit!

2 3

Good afternyan, and here's today's kanji study: 来, come!

This originally depicted wheat grains, thus the similarity to 米, rice. And it looks a lot like a sheaf of wheat. So you can think of it as how wheat comes (and grows) every year. ^_^


4 7

Welcome to my daily kanji study, featuring 黒, black!

This kanji originally meant a black tattoo used to brand a criminal. Personally, though, I see this kanji as a representation of a cat hiding under something. ^_^

Thanks for studying with me! また明日!

1 2

Good afternyan, and here's today's kanji: 黄, yellow!

This is an interesting one, as the kanji originally refers to someone who's weak (fearful).

I prefer to think in terms of yellow bricks though; "just follow the yellow brick road". ^_^


3 4

Good afternyan, and here's my for today: 色, color.

I don't really have a good mnemonic for remembering this kanji. suggested a rainbow, like over a waterfall, since that has 7 colors.

Thanks for studying with me today! ^_^

1 4

A very special thank you to for commissioning who made this absolutely amazing image!


13 17

Hey you, are you a cute/handsome/epic Vtuber?

Yea, I bet you are. Drop your PNGs, Models, Twitch Links. EVERYTHING.

I wanna retweet em. Do it. Now. You have 10 seconds.











1 1/2......

1 1/4.........

35 117

Good afternyan! Today's is 茶, tea.

It's a little unconventional, but if you flip this upside down, it becomes a little cup sitting on the grass with tea leaves brewing inside, and the scent rising off of the brew. ^_^


3 1

i i make a lot of typos to where i have check second, third, tenth time to see if that makes sense😓

but hey its just me😅

3 16

Finally i get permission to repost my work. Congratz for , im waiting for your debut! Please support her!
My commission waiting list is opened for mid September.

13 32

It's time for my Today is 米, rice.

I've found that it works really well to think of 米 as a cluster of rice grains. Many kanji are like that. If you have a different way to remember it, please share! ^_^

みゃりがとう for studying with me!

5 2

Good afternyan, and here's my daily featuring 麦, wheat/barley!

It took me a while to work out how to remember this kanji, but it's best remembered as a sheaf of wheat sticking up out of the ground with the roots below.

Thanks and また明日!

8 1

Good afternyan! Today's is 鳴, chirp!

It's actually 鳥(bird) and 口(mouth), so it's easy to keep track of if you know those two kanji. Though this kanji is also used for all sorts of general noises now.

Thanks for studying with me! またあした!

1 6

Schedule for 7/18-7/22

Finished Undertale, it was a blast!!! 💕💕

We're now back to Luigi's Mansion Any% No OOB Runs towards that sub 1 hour goal!

I feel like a PB will happen soon! 🥺🍊❤️


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