read my post Androssi x Baam is canon
since Rachel(siu) confirm it

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fuck off with your daily cuck tweet

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Androssi x Baam is canon since she is the heroine of the story

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no one ship Hatzdorsi
is just a waepon against Androssi x Baam
Androssi dont care about hatsu and never had relationship with him

if i ship Baam with her
>muh he dont love her uncontitional love
but if they ship Androssi with hatsu if perfectly normal

fuck off just cucks

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Disgusint NTR for cucks

Androssi only love Baam

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Androssi risk her life by saving him in front Zahard's army
>but even yuri do that
Yuri from a great family and protected by Yurin since she like her instead Androssi came from a normal family and this mean death at first error

she risk her life for him she deserve him

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Koon and Baam are great friends
but Androssi is the heroine of the story

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Baam x Androssi is canon since she is the heroine of the story
Androssi dont give a shit about hatsu

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Deku tree is very impressive. I also appreciate helmeted Cape mario, ANDROSS DESTROTED and these lovely ALTTP sprites

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nothing since Androssi love only Baam and can traval anywhere for him

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Androssi is the heroine of the story so she is more likely

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Androssi\Endorsi is the heroine of the story
Baam and Androssi are similar
both orphans who leave all their life alone until someone save them from loneliness.

they can understand better than anyone else the perfect couple

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yes Bam doesn't like anyone romantically and leaves him alone
now but he grow uo and will love Androssi

she is the heroine of the story

after that you can never leave him

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fuck off never do that
Androssi risk her own life by make Zahard army saw her save Baam

true love

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Baam and Androssi face are equal
Androssi x Baam is confirmed

also dont use the most disguting anime ever made as argument

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Androssi love only Baam and you fucking speead reader can only eat facts

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Androssi is the heroine of the story
Androssi x Baam is canon confirmed by rachel

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never NTR cuck because Androssi only want Baam
her twin soul for eternity

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Androssi cant stay near hatsu since he stink like the shit

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