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아킬로람나 밀라르카이
aquilolamna milarcae
2012년 멕시코에서 발견된 고대상어종으로 이번에 연구결과가 발표됨.
주식은 플랑크톤이었을 것으로
A bit sleepless after lying down with a bad migraine this afternoon I decided to give #Aquilolamna, the new bizarre fossil shark from Mexico a try. The wings actually got a bit short but otherwise I'm not too disappointed
Ela aprende sobre o fardo que é ser perseguido e ser usado como arma.
O fardo que é ser dependente daquilo pra sempre.
O fardo de não poder se controlar.
O fardo de machucar a si mesmo.
Ela chora pelas dores dele e até soa familiar a quando ela viu o Sasuke sofrendo com a Juin
Results from the "animals that lived with mosasaurs" stream. Stratodus, Aquilolamna, Allopleuron and Hungarosaurus.
#paleoart #dinoaurs #mosasaurweek #fish #shark #sciart #hungary #eagleshark #mosasaur
Sim eu estou fraquejando após tomar toda coragem do mundo pra postar aquilo, como advinhou?
@rainha_da_praia é quase isso
ele se torna aquilo que jurou matar KKKKKKKK
This new fossil shark just discover is just amazing :3
A real manta shark 😊
ワシザメ「Aquilolamna milarcae」とは、最近メキシコで発見された9300万年前のサメの化石。
Eagle Sharks of Kaimere.
These filter-feeding descendants of #aquilolamna are quite common and successful, taking advantage of the bountiful plankton and small fish teeming in the oceans and shallow seas of Kaimere.
#shark #talesofkaimere #paleoart #fantasy #marinelife #fish
Have you heard the great news?! New shark just dropped!!!
Aquilolamna! A recently described fossil shark with the flappiest fins I’ve ever seen! I love them so much! Ideal hugging morphology!
I process grief by drawing a bunch of wacky fantasy sharks.
#talesofkaimere #kaimere #fantasy #aquilolamna #shark
Me desculpa pela piada horrível, mas foi só o q eu consegui pensar na hora da piscina kkkkkk
(Aquilo na tigela é miojo, mas eu desenhei tudo em vermelho)
#OShippNaFloresta #OShippParanormal
Will someone more shark-knowledgeable than me tell me that we actually do have a way to know that #Aquilolamna was fully grown? Cause I'm here hallucinating giant versions of it and I'm supposed to be working. #aquilolamna #fossilfriday
@it_maker @Grimmlizz POIS É, PUTA MERDA
Aquilo estragou o réveillon da gente
A new challenger approaches.
Im sure it was a neat boi in its time.
So there is this really cool dude that just got described called Aquilolamna. Look at um gracefully float through space.