"What does claustrophobic mean?"
"It means she's afraid of Santa Claus."
"Ho ho ho!"

64 100

Wanted to draw something original

1 2

Caspar David Friedrich - Abadía en el robledal, El caminante sobre el mar de nubes, Dos hombres contemplando la luna y Cementerio del claustro en la nieve, 1809-1819.

1 2

MOTHER! supone mi reconciliación con Darren Aronofsky tras NOÉ. Claustrofóbica cinta plagada de surrealismo que NO GUSTARÁ A TODOS.

79 383

Going for an MRI scan when you have claustrophobia is not a pleasant experience. Have a sum up of my mind whilst in the machine.

0 3

El profe de 2° de bachillerato que se tira desde septiembre mencionando la selectividad.

491 779

050 DIGFIELD - This burrows in COMMON LASAGNAS, but it is also claustrophobic, so every moment of its life IS PAIN AND FEAR.

99 201

Maybe cause it caused my claustrophobia, but I think this pairing is more appropriate

3 12

Enorme descubrimiento, el fotógrafo Daisuke Yokota, inquietante, perturbador, claustrofóbico https://t.co/bUp5Y2LIYt

4 7

Meet Graham, just another moggy destined for claustrophobic suburban obscurity? http://t.co/6TgS6wSaOl

0 1

Experience the Claustrophobia, experimental project created with >->-> http://t.co/yDKcVbgYVO

0 1

Mañana . Les cantaré JAZZ en punto de las 20:00 hrs. en el bellísimo claustro de ¡Los espero!

0 3

"you're making me claustrophobic"

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