Not to start a RUMOR, but there’s a rumor just OUT IN THE WORLD that Tibzagarf once ATE a KOTETSU. Like a NORMAL, ZIGZAGOON Kotetsu. Talk about a LEGENDARY GARFEMON.

(Featuring and ~)

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I'll have to watch this when I'm home, but this reminds me have you ever seen the Garfemon art by Shawn Bowers, it's very good despite radiating huge cursed energy

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258 - GARFKIP - The MITTS on the side of its BIG FACE grab the lasagnas to shove into its LIL MOUTH. It has TWO working TOASTER OVENS in its HOME, which it thinks is IMPRESSIVE.

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253 - GROVFYLD - The TAILS growing out of Grovfyld’s body are convenient ICE BREAKERS when it goes to PARTIES. It can talk about its WEIRD BODY STUFF instead of needing to know about NEWS OR SPORTS. Grovfyld is currently UNEMPLOYED.

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244 - ENTFIELD - If ur baby Garfemon DRINKS ITS MILK and CHEWS ITS STEAK, it might one day grow up to be BIG ‘N STRONG like this MACHO NACHO. If ur baby SPITS ITS MILK and GUMS ITS STEAK, this Garfemon will RULE IT like a KING.

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241 - GARFTANK - It produces milk by having its JON NIPPLES barf. That’s all you need to know about this Garfemon to determine whether you want to be FRIENDS WITH IT.

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189 - GARFPLUFF - This brave Garfemon can withstand the SPOOKIEST SITUATIONS because the giant fluffy POOKY BITS imbue it with a strength of will normally reserved for ZEUS.

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105 GARFOWAK - Originally a small and weak Garfemon, it became FAT and LAZY when it STOLE ITS JON'S HEAD because all humans are FAT AND LAZY

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111 - RHYGARF - This Garfemon is so fat. How fat is it? VERY fat. It also probably shoots lasers or something, who knows with these guys.

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011 - METAGARF - Inside its HARD FAT shell, this is LAZY and WEAK, but at least it's shielded from SCARY ELECTION RESULTS.

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017 - GARFEOTTO - Too fat to fly, and too lazy to hunt, it HIRES OTHER GARFEMON to catch its prey. This Garfemon does not TIP WELL.

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038 NINEGARFS - Its 9 MOUTH THINGS contain magic that allows this to live 9 LIVES. It doesn't LOVE b/c emotions are IMPERMANENT.

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050 DIGFIELD - This burrows in COMMON LASAGNAS, but it is also claustrophobic, so every moment of its life IS PAIN AND FEAR.

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Garfield x Pokemon = GARFEMON (avert your eyes, or click the link for more)

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