Hi, it's Kawaiikochans. Do you know "Haro-kun"? Assisting in gamesoft. Let's explain using "Comics."

8 12 Hi, it's Kawaiikochans. Finally, it's " Comics." Uwa~ it was emotional. It's a really valuable gamesoft.

29 40

Volviendo a ver Juego de Tronos para estar a punto para la temporada 7.

0 1 Hi, it's "Classic Kawaiikochans". Do you know "Fast!! Gamesoft." It ended again. Let's remember times.

4 6 Hi, it's Kawaiikochans. Do you know about "Meishi?" We'll explain it using " Gamesoft Yakuza." However..~

9 11

Attack on Titan by It's my favourite game by them, so good.

7 25 Hi, it's Kawaiikochans on "Happy Fourth." It's a fine American Gamesoft, of course.

18 19

Hi, it's Kawaiikochans no "Project SNK Thank-You!!" Simon said "It's Neco Masaka and rhythm gamesoft. You can post."

3 1