Hoy 29 de Junio cumple años Mitsunori Kugayama de Genshiken 2.

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Fix your day easily with chiken ungets!

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In the end its ok because I bought a chiken salad sandwich and the image of a small kitten eating chiken salad and liveing his best life poped in my head and now life is beautiful

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"Lucas" available now on

Is he a dinossaur? A duck? A chicken? Aren't dinosaurs just giant prehistoric chikens? 🧐🧐

3/3 - 1tez
3/3 - 2tez
3/3 - 3tez


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Okay pardun the mess but i just had too u-u👍
This is Nisse M. Watson originally by @/pilotchiken

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É um dos mangás que sai na antologia Action Hiken, do

Sinopse: Hana Ookami e Kai, seu guardião, são dois dos últimos sobreviventes do Clã Ookami, que sofreu um massacre. Traumatizada, a única maneira que Hana encontrou de fugir de toda essa dor, foi+

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Hiken No Ace

Es un dibujo que le hice un intento de SpeedPaint pero me da un poco de pena subirlo a Youtube, aunque ¿sería apropiado?

Fue algo rápido, lo hice en menos de dos horas xd

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Wanted to make/draw a list of the biggest boobs in anime.

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今日は朝ドラの話題を。#おかえりモネ 気象予報士のお話だけあって映る空がとても綺麗!朝から癒されそうです。主題歌 も爽やか!BUMPは絶対朝ドラ主題歌合うと思ってたから毎朝聴けるのが嬉しい😊

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BUMP OF CHIKENの『ダンデライオン』を聞きながらお絵描き。

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Some examples of my favorite characters from anime/manga:
Erin (Kemono no Sōja)
Hana (Wolf Children)
Anne (Green Gables)
Mutta (Space Brothers)
Peko (Ping Pong)
Madarame (Genshiken)
Rei, Hina (March comes in like a lion)
Yakumo (Shōwa Genroku)

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mikasa you always eat all of chiken wings

i've always hated you for that

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Moments of Chiken being himself,nothing strange about that-

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What up loser, we're going to MickeyD's I want chiken nuggie

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Boku No Hero April 3 Day 20: Magne

Had to draw this shot of Magne, since it's her 2nd most memorable scene. XD

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i am once again drawing her *feeds her leftover chiken parmesan*

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also while im posting i should add this too cus it was the first deisgn i did of tubbo but I ended up not liking it as much as the other one, but this is the normal outfit for him anyway :] also micahel and his chiken

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