Petit 🎁 jusqu'à la St Valentin, 25% de Promo sur le Shop Etsy 😘 :
Les ensembles en laine chocolat ❄️ & Les cliparts à imprimer Kpop Finger Heart ❤️🤟

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thank you kpop stans

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Keep in mind the lady that got this going in Congress represents a group of people so delusional they actually believe Trump is still going pull out a win in the election.

322 2323, 2021 has been all the emotions so far

Good, bad, happy, sad.....etc.

45 is twice Impeached and GONE
Biden/Harris is here!!
My Grandfather passed away today
My best friend has Covid

So many emotions...


My pencils are sharp and I am READY to create some new art

32 337

Disgraced, deranged, watch Donald go,
Replaced and shamed by Old Man Joe.
Up in an orange puff of smoke,
Finally ends this wrong, sick joke.

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