feeling oh so tired but still cozy

One's the actual one the other is like me using palletes that I feel like I relate to 🔪 https://t.co/9qRRMresv9

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I just think they're neat!!

The second one was mostly an attempt of me going 'what if i used palletes,,' but I don't know how to feel abt it 😔

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Hey ho I'm System . I doodle and draw and currently I'm switching over my palletes . So all I have right now are hot pieces . Soon gonna go cold and blue so hopefully peeps wanna check that out. Also I do sketch requests pretty often

I'll tag

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I’m fear, 14 yrs old hobbyist/freelance artist!
Also i like soft art palletes owo!

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i was messing around with color palletes so

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also can you guys like,,answer to me why tf was he purple,,but the rest of the squirrels had natural color palletes? WTF??

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Can you guys vote on what you like best please? Poll in the replies. I’m really struggling with color palletes

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uhhh ive got no concept of color palletes, but i do painterly stuff and non painterly stuff sometimes lmao. alot of my art is just sketches

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wanna make a repost of my lethal league oc (or fan character idk) duo DEESK bros.: DEESK jr. and DEESK sr. because why not. static palletes and soundtrack info is in imgur thread https://t.co/cS50H3upEx

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Beebopopoopoo I suck at color palletes fo da oc

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Twins with alternating color palletes and genitals i've also alternated the shading color as well. These two delightful twins are Elliot and Lottie. Who are both owned by

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The Alternate Drifter and Regular Drifter from
Used both the official art's and the in-game shop's hud color palletes for the regular drifter

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Playing with colour palletes! His arm is in that position because he is going to receive a winged animal companion which I will design separately. Which is your favourite? Short poll in replies!

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Just trying new palletes on char's line
15 colors- 96x96

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despite it being one of my fave colors i've been experimenting w other palletes - here's some of my latest full pink arts tho. Ofc SU is in there heh

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I saw someone else say it so I'll nab that good idea

switch oc color palletes
gimme ur colors

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