"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking. You will be missed. 😢 Big lost on
Drawing by - RIP, Stephen Hawking.

5 5

Happy Pi Day! Celebrate Pi, Eat Pie! Check out 's fun related activities here: https://t.co/mHNLmi3itE

5 17

Try Heliotrope's yummy Cherry Pie! 😍Happy 🥧

4 9


256 508

Lisa eating her family's signature dish (and her mother Dottie telling her to stop) for yesterday's

22 155

HAPPY PI DAY!!! (A little late cuz it’s 12:15 am here but… its still Tuesday somewhere, right?)

0 2

Happy this fine everyone! Looks like Sarah found some special custard pies for the occassion. Celie's about to find one too

36 136

Happy Loud Crowd! Remember you don't have to be *rational* today! Get it?

26 84

Happy It's 3.14 which means it's time to celebrate with some delicious Pi 😉

7 10

Happy Pi Day! >^..^< 3.14159265 35897932384626433832795028841971693993751

4 13