A5 Acrylic Panel (Finally! I am dying to own some acrylic panels with flower memories printed on them. Damn! DMM you've made a great decision.)

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I was on the brink of dying from exhaustion but I was awaken by WHAT I FOUND! Torikabuto's doujinshi! In bikini!
Melonbooks: https://t.co/bni9vSrdvw
Toranoana: https://t.co/WAXM0swy9t

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My lovely Shamu♥️💕

🌸💮シャムサクララン (Sham Sakararan)💮🌸
🌺Flower Knight Girl🌺

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My drawing that my profile picture came from, Aizoon Stonecrop from Flower Knight Girl. This is over a year old lol I may finally start adding my drawings to twitter though, so hopefully some more recent ones soon

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