Illusion of Art
Information Age

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The interest of the people first
Political and corporate interests last

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The rising cost of living
Is above and beyond affordable

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Nobody is perfect
Everyone makes mistakes
Rich man
Poor man
Big or small
Forgive & Forget

For better or worse
People are people
We're in this together


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Speaker of the House

Nancy Pelosi Edit

Information Age of the
Money Culture

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I heard a big bell ring
Nancy Pelosi muttered something
This is what she said
I remember
I forget
I lay awake
All night in bed

That's what she said to me
I don't remember anymore

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When you walk in golden halls you get to keep the gold that falls
Heaven and Hell
I remember hearing
Exactly what she said from a song

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So nice to meet you
Is all I remember now
But sometimes I remember
The other things that she said

Nancy Pelosi Edit

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Up ahead in the distance
I saw shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

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Hotel California

On a dark desert highway
Cool Wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas
Rising up through the air

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