Um gigacephalídeo usando sua proboscíde especializada para alimentar-se de um tubérculo exposto.

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redesing vindo

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I made a year ago a oc on robloxian high school and i redesing it in a very boring class. IT IS NOT DREAM GENDERBEND

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so i thought zephyrine was kinda boring so i redesinged her lolol

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redesing of my oc Bern
before it was a bull, and now its a fluffy cow yay

1 9

Old desings I redesinged to goblins because it would be waste to not use them

3 17

Dimorfismo sexual observado entre Unicórnios das planícies. Aqui vemos um macho exibindo comportamento de corte.

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I drew Glamrock Chica! Her redesing is pretty cool go check it out also don't forget to support her!

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El Pibe de los 1000 rediseños
No me arrepiento de este, si necesitaba un ajuste en la paleta de colores para que no fuera "solo verde"

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I'm thinking to change the hairstyle of Aruna's Scarlet Phoenix form, since she don't belong to DB Au anymore. And will be a big redesing of her hairstyle

Old name: Super Saiyan Scarlet
New name: Scarlet Phoenix Form❤️‍🔥

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Another redesing of an old OC of mine named Leah

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Redesinged my oc Sweet Heart from 2015 for the first time.. (older pic here's from 2018 I think) 😳

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