A winter princess in a jungle. Sitting atop some old ruins.

Despite how challenging this was o draw, I enjoyed working on this one mostbof all this month.

Hope you enjoy! :)

43 174

"Sir, we are approaching the ruins. Nothing is being picked up on the scanners, moving in."
"Ten-four, head on in Delta."
"Roger that."
A few moments of radio silence, then the sounds of gunshots cracked through the forlorn landscape.
"S-sir... We arent alone.."

2 14

WIP from a while ago....need to finish these ruins.

57 636

[commission]2/50(2020’s target)
Explore the ruins. Are there any secrets?
Share if you like it •͈ᴗ•͈

10 26

Talent is insignificant. I know a lot of talented ruins. Beyond talent lie all the usual words: discipline, love, luck, but most of all, endurance.
—James Baldwin—

42 102

The Sun Village...once a thriving elfin habitation...now crumbling ruins. But there are still reasons to visit!

3 21

She loved the sea only for its storms,
and the green grass only when it grew
in patches among ruins.

and she longed for emotion,
not scenery.

— Gustave Flaubert

4 26


5 51

Ep 5: Fallen Things
The lvl 1 PCs are assigned a simple mission: clear the Goblins out of some Elvish Ruins. But when they get there they find their mission anything but simple, on account of what the goblins found in the labyrinth deep below...

0 1

Let things of the past fade and allow the future to be born from the ruins.

Tattoo commissions from

1 21

we've had several little sessions and things definitely aren't cursed in the water-filled underbelly of the brinebrook house ruins.

tonight, a familiar face showed up

2 24

🌻Ilustra que fiz inspirada em uma foto do Pinterest e decidi chamá-la de Luísa, uma garota que ama tatuagens, moda e fala o que pensa! É uma super amiga e vai estar sempre ao seu lado nos dias bons ou ruins. 🌿🌻

0 2


The Last Sanctuary / Doom II / MBF-Compatible / 2015 / MAP01 / by "Cybermind"

An enormous adventure level with a vast techbase complex, rugged canyon, and lurking Satanic ruins. Oh - the outdoors area undergoes a night / day cycle, too.

2 13

Support if you'd like: https://t.co/mytkh9NBuy

Reward for TailsLover100

Who wanted Todd and Miles to be playing hide'n seek, in the Mystic Ruins. He thought he found the perfect hiding spot, but thanx to his thick pamps, there may not be a tree wide enough to hide his pamps.

6 30

Well that's why you got to be careful when you're digging around in these ruins. You never know what you're going to run into. Luckily for me in this case, my sweet friend ! Okay, I learned my lesson. You can let me out now! That was my hat!

🎨 |

38 196

MMX:SCP [ Hippopressor ]
A huge Mechaniloid that surprises X and Zero near the top of Lagrano Ruins. It uses the Hippo Vulcan inside its mouth to machine-gun enemies while it charges the Shark Missile. Once its head is destroyed, it gives place to the Hippo Particle Cannon.

4 25