Mein für das Sketchnote Barcamp digital mit ganz vielen anderen kaffeesüchtigen stifteverehrenden Farbklecksen ähm Menschen. Ich freue mich auf Euch.

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Team 6 knows how to have fun! Wishing you a summer of building beautiful memories!

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Well this WAS fun! Keep it going Where will our sketch take you?

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La segunda parte de la sesión con “La práctica hace al maestro “ como dice Fran “Un dibujo al día te llena de alegría” 🤔¿ese era el eslogan?

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: "Oh the we will have..." Your turn !
As it is a slow I took the time to have fun with as well !

1 18

If you've been using exercise to destress from...well...everything, then make sure to follow these simple tips for avoiding sports-related injuries.

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of webinar: How to⬇️ Stress of K-12 Child Dev. from COVID-19 uncertainty
🔑take away: MODEL the behavior, explicitly make 🔌, & try
T- turn challenge↔️opportunity
E-evaluate all sides
A- act to move ➡️
M- make 🕰to reflect

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Practicando el apretón de manos 🤝 que significa el compromiso y el acuerdo entre las personas. Disfrutando como nunca del curso de de la mano de la inigualable e ilegal rectora de la prestigiosa Universidad de Moníchigan.

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How tuning into both birdsong and the kettle could be the answer to listening better. Source , by us.

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We had a blast, last week, digitally scribing 's Q&A on Balancing and Boredom. Check out our from the event and learn more about

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