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Reynard the Fox: The Complaint of the Cock, Allart van Everdingen https://t.co/m2MsVfqvII

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If you're still in need of a comic book artist, I may be able to help. Some samples of my work below, my website is https://t.co/meheWLG97h, and my email is chollandartnh.com.

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Rowlandson's Sketches from Nature: Fowey, Cornwall, Thomas Rowlandson, 1809 https://t.co/Xgbo0E7swm

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Offering 10% off if you inquire about a Valentine's Day piece and comment on this post. You can tag a friend, say whatever, but please keep it clean. This is applicable to charcoal and this is going on until Feb. 7th. You can either DM me on here or email chollandartnh.com.

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Eiropas standarta sliežu platuma dzelzceļa līnijas projekts varētu pārsniegt apstiprināto budžetu un ieviešanas laika grafiku, secināts Latvijas, Lietuvas un Igaunijas augstāko revīzijas iestāžu apvienotajā revīzijā.

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Estos días en cama he estado viendo The Witcher y por supuesto no pude evitar la traumacion https://t.co/h1ALLRnuN0

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If you're still looking for an illustrator, I may be able to help you. My name is Craig Holland and I'm a freelance illustrator. My website is https://t.co/meheWLG97h and my email is chollandartnh.com. Below are samples of my work.

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