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Would it be cool if Paprika can mimic other characters' taunts and victory poses?

This is a frame from Paprika's hard knockdown wakeup, but this is sorta like, "Oh, you're still here?" (Unlike Oleander, Paprika's happy that the opponent is still there!)

6 12

BB voting countdown for last 12 hours.
Opponents seem like got mass voting plan in final 2 hours hence we have to voting as much as possible. Keep fighting 💪🏻
🚨Don’t forget Twice been hits even with higher %

128 123

196 - Espeon
Type: Psychic

The tip of its forked tail quivers when it is predicting its opponent's next move.

0 3

So, prompt 1 of my Game Design-tober was Blind. I thought of a humanoid that crawls on all 4s to find their opponent by sound, as their eyes do not work. A little demented but also will be interesting to plan a game using this guy at the end of the month.

1 1

[a worthy opponent]

ft. a friends oc, suze!

7 37

This latest dive into Darkstalkers was spurred on by seeing a tweet with a gif of this char doing a move where he grabs the opponent with his ass cheeks to electrocute them & looking at the sprites for his other moves is A Treat

0 1

We're out of the A's and into the B's. Balrog is one brutal fighter that can bulldog any opponent.

12 48

Day 3: Redcap
Capepper are quick and dangerous. They use spicy peppers to attack. While their opponents are hurt, they laugh.

25 216

Hey I'm just saying, they managed to make crafting and weapon durability work in smash, they can make court cases work in smash. Give him like a proper mechanic linked into finding the opponents guilty somehow that'd be so cool.

0 0

day 3: type mixup

After training in a volcanic region, Medicham developed pyrokinesis. It mixes this ability with martial arts to deliver powerful blows and keep opponents off balance with fireballs and jets of flame.

0 5

132 - Ditto
Type: Normal

When it encounters another DITTO, it will move faster than normal to duplicate that opponent exactly.

0 2

123 - Scyther
Type: Bug/Flying

It's very proud of its speed. It moves so fast that its opponent does not even know what knocked it down.

0 4

yo wtf my opponent building

4 7

Here is another drawing for the night, this time for the for the entervoid group I'm in, first prompt was 1st. opponent I faced. Which was Jaja owned by the Artist Footini. She was so cool <3 I'm glad she's still around on Void. (which I could say the same for myself.)

2 8

When your Saikyo taunting makes an opponent quit the match, making you the winner by default.

11 26

92 - Gastly
Type: Ghost/Poison

It wraps its opponent in its gas-like body, slowly weakening its prey by poisoning it through the skin.

0 2

91 - Cloyster
Type: Water/Ice

Even a missile can't break the spikes it uses to stab opponents. They're even harder than its shell.

1 2

90 - Shellder
Type: Water

Clamping on to an opponent reveals its vulnerable parts, so it uses this move only as a last resort.

2 3

Snare-oh's abilities are very similar to Wildvine's, both are able to wrap-up their opponents and stretch to far away places. However he is surprisingly strong. He ripped the face of a Galvan robot off with the help of Rook's fall. And was briefly able to restrain Fourmungousaur.

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