画質 高画質

Coelho + Tigre
22 anos
Artes-Eu, eu, eu

Bem brincalhão e tira sarro de quase tudo. Quando tira a franja da cara, parece sempre estar rabugento ou com raiva, mas sua personalidade não muda em nada.
Adora descansar em redes(fato aleatório msm).

0 10

Random thought:
Does Tigre have to wear BDU's like the other warmongers? Also if so are they made of his goo? (he does look good in green)

22 97

Thank you so much for the amazing redesigns of Tigre, I recommend anyone to commission this amazing person!

2 10

Le tigre c’est mon animal préféré, et vous? 🐯

0 5

tigrex doodles. put some color in just because its just random lines if i didnt

0 2

Tigrex ティガレックス
Brute Tigrex ティガレックス亜種
Molten Tigrex ティガレックス希少種

37 152



20 79

The BLACK TIGER: LEGACY OF FURY Graphic Novel is now InDemand on with only 3 pencilled pages of production remaining by of the 158 pages!
Don't miss your chance to JOIN THE FIGHT and BACK THE TIGRESS!!


4 5

Honnêtement c'est dur mais tigre rose, mon catalan pref et EDGAR

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More examples
(ok El Tigre is a bit of a stretch but, idk I think he looks babey)

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When hunting a Tigrex with and a Brute Tigrex joins the party.

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✨ MermaidAU ✨
Diseño del Rubius, es un tiburón tigre, le gusta pasar la mayoría del tiempo en la superficie y "tomar prestado" cosas de los humanos, lo cual es ILEGALISIMO -inserte voz de vegetta-

7 41

3. Tigrex
Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Wyvern Feet (竜脚亜目)
Family: Rex (レックス科)

4. Rathalos and Rathian
Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Wyvern Feet
Infraorder: Shell Wyvern (甲殻竜下目)
Superfamily: Flying Wyvern (飛竜上科)
Family: Rath (リオス科)

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Tigrex (Monster Hunter)

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