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Stay at home.
Look after each other.
Use common sense.
These are NO vacations.

13 27

Poll: would T'sciroch become an e-boy to fund his housing hobby?

(I would honestly stream my fc room remodel if my internet wasnt so crappy lol)

0 9

Please, friends and followers, and when possible (you can watch 😜) . It’s the only way to beat this Together we can do it!

8 16


DOVETE STARE A CASA! Non dovete uscire, se non in caso di assoluta necessità, ovvero:

- per la spesa nei supermercati
- lavoro (con certificazione)
- visite mediche importanti


4 6

Flat colors on this panel. I wish I was more comfortable with simpler coloring.

0 4

Vack on my Vullshit - come tell me about your StayAtHomeTwitchCon experience!


0 1

Extra long 10 hour event stream this Sunday! 🎉 Having my first cosplayathon! The more subs, the more cosplay I can do this year, for & on stream ✨ join in for fun times™️ at 4pm BST

8 55

The for this : all those and out there. You amaze me!

0 1

Self portrait of my life now as a stay at home dad

2 7