Scriveva Ludwig Wittgenstein: "Nella vita, come nell’arte, è difficile dire qualche cosa che sia altrettanto efficace del silenzio".

Così, tra il 1799 e il 1801, il pittore svizzero Johann Heinrich Füssli tentò di dipingere il silenzio ( ).

Cosa ne pensate?

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in 1734 John Jervis was born. 1795: Commander of the Mediterranean Fleet blockading Cadiz, 1797: defeated a larger Spanish fleet off Cape St. Vincent, 1801: First Lord of the Admiralty. Known as a firm disciplinarian, reformer of dockyards and successfully battled corruption

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2 January. The Eighth Day of Christmas. Guard your health:
‘Cold may turn to violent Fevers even at this time of the year, and send some to the Shades... and an eminent Lady is afflicted with much Sorrow, if not Death.’ (Moore’s Almanac, 1801)

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폼폼이 명화패러디...😛
요즘 꽂힌 컨텐츠^~^ 이모티콘 작업하다 질릴때 그리기 아주 좋다..

원작:알프스를 넘는 나폴레옹 _ 자크 루이 다비드
Napoleon Crossing the Alps _ Jacques Louis David (1801)

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Dem Unersättlichen in jeglichem Genuss wird selbst das Glück zum Überdruss.

Ludwig Bechstein

* 24.11.1801

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屠夜市(DD51 1801)殿

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La diversidad nos nutre a todos y las vacaciones aún no se acaban! Ven y conoce otros países y sus formas de pensar a través del arte:
para niños
Asiste por día o por semana. Tienes hasta el 17 de ago.
Inscripciones al teléfono: 5554-1801, 5554-1784

3 6

¡La diversidad nos nutre a todos! Ven y conoce otros países y sus formas de pensar a través del arte:
para niños
Asiste por día o por semana. Tienes hasta el 17 de ago.
Inscripciones:, Teléfono: 5554-1801, 5554-1784

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A plate poking fun of 2 incroyables heading to the Longchamps race track-THE place to see & be seen. Burdened by their exaggerated fashions, their choice of brewery horses over fine steeds makes quite the impression. Le Bon Genre, 1801

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Antoine-Jean Gros, Sappho at Leucate, oil on canvas, 1801

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Charles Bell's Engravings of the Arteries was written by the Scottish surgeon as a manual for medical students (1801)

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Pages from a student notebook from the anatomy and surgery lectures (c.1801) of Edinburgh Professors of Alexander Monro Secundus and his son Tertius. We've had this digitised and will be putting the full notebook online , as well as more collections!

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Abraham Pether (1756 – 13 Apr 1812) was an British landscape painter, recognised for his skill in depicting moonlit scenes. He was also a talented musician, inventor, mathematician & philosopher.

Evening scene with full moon and persons, 1801

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