Wilhelm von Wright, Jänis talviasussa, Tidskrift för jägare och naturforskare -lehden (nro 6-7/1834, s. 977) kuvitusta, 1834 https://t.co/p4lPYdJHre

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Kate Furbish was born this month in 1834 and dedicated herself to compiling "Flora of Maine", donated to . She described Pedicularis furbishiae and Aster cordifolius var furbishiae, and her 4k specimens were passed from to Gray .

18 56

Edgar Degas

23 178

Fot this , one of the two incredible mosaics with athletes from the of , in .
It was originally very big, it went through many works between 1834-1970 and can be seen today at the


10 26

"The Past, the Present, and the Future" cartoon satirizing King Louis-Philippe, published in La Caricature, no. 166, Jan. 9, 1834

7 64

Magnus von Wright, Peltopyy, Tidskrift för jägare och naturforskare -lehden (nro 11-12/1834, s. 1089) kuvitusta, 1834 https://t.co/bTUYpN4zLy

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Some of Anne's summits:
1828-Ben Nevis
1830-Mont Perdu
1834-Le Brevent
1834-Puy de Dome
1838-Pic du Midi d'Ossau
1838-Pic du Midi de Bigorre

It is a shame didn't summit any mountain in the Lake District in 1824.
Art by

6 56

A little luxury & reflections by Mike Amos.
Fine Bavarian crystal (founded 1834) wine glasses & table. In using , & .
Mirror frame is Amazon. Wine holder slightly modified from https://t.co/N8QkgGXAaa

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カスパー・ダーヴィト・フリードリヒ『バルト海の朝の風景』1830-1834年 ゲオルク・シェーファー美術館

12 214

1802年5月2日 エドゥアルト・シュタインブリュックがマクデブルクに生誕。ベルリンに行き、ヴィルヘルム・ヴァッハのアトリエで働きました。宗教画を中心に礼拝堂のフレスコ画なども手掛けた。その後、子供など牧歌的な作品を描くようになった。

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🦃 La galerie des oiseaux
Paris: Carpentier-Méricourt, 1834.

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Born in 1816: English novelist and poet (1816-55)

Portrait with sisters Anne (1820-49) & Emily (1818-48) by brother Patrick Branwell Brontë (1817-1848), ca. 1834

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今年の大河でnew左内先生が誕生しましたが、先日鈴木亮平さんと風間くんがランドに行ったとの情報がありましたので ver.でお祝いを!

12 57

The Burning of the Houses of Parliament, 1834

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Paul Guigou

~Le Pont du Gard
raffigura l'antico acquedotto romano costruito intorno al 40-60 d.C., vicino ad Avignone in Provenza.

Buonasera a tutti, grazie, cara
Karmen 💛🍃

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Photographer: Felice Beato (Italian, 1834–1907)



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