Happy Drokking Valentine’s Day from Judge Dredd

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I'll be buying:
• 2000ad prog 2117
• Bloodshot: Rising Spirit

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Resuming these little takes on ' ABC Warriors - the first one of 2019 had to be Pineapples - N/V!

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So. This year I pitched a storyline for Dredd to 2000AD, and got rejected.

I felt I had something fresh to bring to the character, but it wasn’t to be, and I feel it’s important to be honest about your successes and failures. Onwards and upwards.

Here’s some of what I sent in.

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I'm up to Christmas 2007 reading all the 2000AD progs - I'm now only ten years behind! My highlight of 2007 is probably & Clint Langley's ABC Warriors The Volgan War - the most fun ABC Warriors since Simon Bisley, full of asides and jokes - the iPod especially!

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"A properly entertaining, Marvellous, 2000AD-inspired ride."

reviews The Silencer from , and , on sale TODAY from

REVIEW: https://t.co/2GRLozz5j2

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Reading an awesome comic with awesome art - and letters from !

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