And this is Ylva (female wolf) Sternhammer. To make up for Wulf's beard, I thought of drawing her with thick braids. She unintentionally looks like Floor Jansen mixed with G.I.JOE's Scarlett🤔

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Here's the first drawing that sparked all of this stupid madness. I'm glad Johnny's hair could translate well to a version of him

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Alpha is an absolute legendary character. An absolute bad ass with a heart of gold.

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I'm ashamed to admit that I still owe Mr. Ezquerra a proper tribute to thank him for the endless inspiration. I'll have to fix that soon! In the meantime, here's some Johnny Alpha / I did waaay back in the day

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Recent Johnny Alpha Strontium Dog commission completed June 2021.
Ian only had a short waiting list at present so it's a good time to get in touch if you would like something.

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Panel from a strip, written by Peter Duncan , that I have just drawn for Sector 13 a not for profit 2000AD fanzine, It should be published early next year.

More Info from -

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Some shots of my / illustration - including headshot, black & white and visual of cover (wishful thinking).

I adore this character - Carlos Ezquerra truly was El Maestro.. ❤️

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Mecha Madness II: What do you get when you mix and a ? THE ALPHA DOG

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Johnny Alpha Apple Notes finger doodle

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Dogbreath cover reveal and this one is by
Johnny and Wulf in a firefight.
Make sure to order yours when it's available from

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Best of 2000 AD: Strontium Dog – Evans the Fist…

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