Me before the Iowa caucus results vs.
Me aft—no wait somehow still before the Iowa caucus results

3 19

Goddd, i love these two
We need more appreciation to canon ships

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"If I had a shillin' fer everytime th' big ones screamed, 'You can't handle me!', I'd be out o' th' piratin' business." He elucidated, yanking the slut-binding leash and collar forward.

"Now 'ave a taste o' yer brothers here. Ye get yer cap'n aft."

7 29

SR-71. 93% of the Blackbird's airframe consisted of titanium alloy that allowed the aircraft to operate in a regime where temperatures range from 450 degrees Fahrenheit at its aft midsection to 950 degrees Fahrenheit near the engine exhaust. Lockheed Martin

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A soft shading commission done for AFT, feat his danganronpa OC Raito Kenichi, the Ultimate Pen Spinner!

2 5

Of course you got that much! ^^ Your aft is so awesome and yet so cute. ^w^ <3 You deserve it. <3

Also: Are these SFW enough? =0

3 7

M. Ine ,,cra t
Mincr aft time...

0 1

Finally!, i will be releasing a few commissions that i had delayed

This one belongs to Her3aft3r

Enjoy it!

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3/7アートフェア東京 G-18 Noda Contemporary
AFT2018でファンになった大河原愛 さんの都会的でちょっと不思議な雰囲気の作品を今年も拝見。特に版画の表現を取り入れたモノクロベースの作品「Recalling places 3」(2枚目)がとても素敵だった。

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2枚目の子 Undertaleに居てそうですき

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鈴木祥太《白花蒲公英》《桜》。金工でここまで表せるのかと驚く。特にタンポポ、キャプションで金工作品と知り「は?」と声が漏れた。この葉の感じ見て…[古美術 鐘ヶ江]#AFT2019

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高木基栄《pyrite dystopia》、池田晃将《亀甲唐草妖精飾箱》、古田航也《LIFE》。伝統の技を駆使した新しい造形はユニークで、きれいで、かっこいいものが多く、見応えあった。[金沢市工芸協会]#AFT2019

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4ever in my heart, until we meet again. I'll see U at The Aft3rsh0w.

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Yuuki Konno // Zekken from SAO
Im in a mood for chibi aft style smh qwq
Also.. I'll be off for awhile, yee

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OK ill go back to work aft lunch but i needed to do something for myself or my brain wouldve internally combusted

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