Huge thank you to for supporting BATTU: An Animated Musical. I had the pleasure of working with Tony on the Inides: An Animator Short, another successfully funded Kickstarter. Learned from the best 🔥 more indies coming soon too

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YO! Battu is $760 away from hitting its goal!! This is crazy. Support today and let’s find an original animated musical!

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Ma gli sembrava che il suo corpo fosse come un sacco vuoto, sbattuto dal vento, lacero, sporco, buono solo da buttarsi fra i cenci.

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Battu is 60% funded and we are only 5 days in the campaign. Working hard on a Saturday to bring y’all something incredible!!

Check it out and share! Let’s keep the momentum going folks!

11 21

Hey !

I'm currently producing a short film BATTU: An Animated Musical, which combines animation, hiphop & the native Chi danceform hiplet. It would be an honor to have you apart of the project, I've always admired how you put on Chicago!!

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"Ils ont été battus par une équipe anglaise qui ne sera pas loin du titre"... Ben oui Chrichri ils sont en finale donc ils seront premiers ou deuxième... Merci pour l'analyse Capitaine Obvious.

1 42

Les ont combattu au nom de l’humanité contre ceux qui sèment ENCORE la terreur. Notre dette à leur égard est infinie. Comment pouvons nous fermer les yeux ? Ce qui se passe - dans l’indifférence totale- est ignoble !

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Urca urca tirulero! 🏹 Il 10 ottobre 1974 usciva nelle sale italiane "Robin Hood"! 😍 Festeggiate con noi commentando con la battuta dal film che preferite.

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Mais on fait semblant quand même de continuer la liste officiel.
Nous avons sauvé certains de nos camarades prisonniers des étoiles écorchées et nous nous sommes battu contre les Jinsuls pour leur offrir un futur à reconstruire

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Day 20 : Character That Touched You The Most

Pour celui là y a Yamaguchi qui me vient direct en tête parce que il est plus discret, il était un peu à l'écart mais il s'est battu de son côté pour pouvoir jouer avec tout le monde et tout hcisjfosb il me rend soft a fond 💕🌸

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Est-ce que vous pensez que maintenant que Sacha a battu la ligue, Pierre va pécho l'infirmière Joëlle?

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Bastava guardarlo per capire che avrebbe vinto il anche da solo. il cavallo della Selva che arriva primo senza fantino, ha battuto tutti in velocità e bellezza.

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Battu!(Placeholder name) She's inspired by a Leucistic Vampire Bat. Has a nose leaf.

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It is believed that Dev Ji is the second most travelled person in the world after Ibn Battuta of Morocco.#GuruNanakDevji is believed to have travelled more than 28000 kilometers on foot with his companion Bhai Mardana.

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“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta Tag us with Travel essentials you can't do without.

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