Ivycember 2021 Day 28: Arctic Fox.
Linework and colors in Procreate.


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一日一絵地味にちゃんと続けてきた中で、いいねしてくれたりコメントくださった方、そしてそのつながりでフォローしてくださった方、本当に嬉しかったしやる気になりました!ありがとうございました!!一日一絵は終わるけど絵はこれからも描き続けます^ ^

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Día 28: Gwen Stacy (Spiderman ITS)
Una verdadera waifu de las variantes de los multiversos

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Nonstop Nina November Day28

Mommy is back with swimsuit

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This series was strongly recommended to me, and definitely on my "To-Watch" list.

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Some recent art and older designs as we celebrate one of our artists Majin Mikes Birthday with a 50% off sale code “BDAY28”

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