—– He’ll definitely come back, staggering and spewing all over the place. If there’s nobody left on this planet at that time, who’ll put a blanket on that idiot when he passes out drunk?

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------sambil sesekali mainin hue & saturtation, biar sesuai ama yg kita inginkan, gak asal pick color juga sih.

5. belajar anatomi nder, anatomi cewek ama cowok itu beda. apalagi wajah, leher, tangan, pinggang. ini contoh gambar cowok ama cewek yg aku buat

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So for fun I made a fake magazine cover of my oc Angel and oc Ginkasu!

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Bantu dia untuk dapetin paket yang dia inginkan !
Beli semua kebutuhan keluarga Anda, karena kata Lazada,

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I finally finished my pokemon giginka oc...
They still needs a name tho SJFKSFKDGKDG

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Porrait yang saya gambar kadang tidak langsung saya tiru dari foto, tapi dengan ketersediaan referensi tersebut, saya modifikasi ekspresinya agar bisa sesuai dengan message tertentu yang saya inginkan terkait figur/karakter yang saya gambar. Ini Pramoedya dan Tirto.

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More paintings for my flower crown series! Again drawing flowers accurately is not my forte, but I tried. 😂 Flower meanings for each:

Sugawara - Plum blossoms. Favorite flower. Health.
Ginkaku - Daffodil. Chivalry.
Shadowman - Gladiolus. Strength, conviction, honor.

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Ginkaku Hakushi to Marmot by Ike Reibun

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Buat kalian yg suka kedistraksi soal “ah gmbrku likes sama followersnya dikit” i know that toxic, but berkarya lah sesuai yg kalian inginkan. Aku semenjak enjoy berkarya sesuai yg aku mau malah skrg yg visit banyak. Tetep fokus berkarya aja. Jgn mikirin likes sama followers ya!

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Inspired by the photo "Peasant Girls" of Prokudin-Gorsky, made around a century ago in the Russian Empire, and by the music video (Cossack's lezginka) of Otava Yo where these girls became alive again
link https://t.co/XeUaPwgVZ6

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Hi, Kosmos!

Tahukah kamu? Variasi shot dalam panel sangat berguna untuk menekankan atmosfir yang kamu inginkan dalam suatu adegan cerita.

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A fanart for I drew a long time ago for a contest she ran. I forgot their names but those were her characters. I didn't win but I had a great time drawing them ✨

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Secara sederhana, key art ini berguna untuk materi promosi dan marketing. Dengan key art yang tepat, kita dapat menonjolkan sisi unik dari karya yang kita buat, serta mencipatakan kesan pertama yang diinginkan. (2/3)

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Okay so I dig though Ginka’s design and it seem like they really love thighs tho.

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Hola soy ginka, soy estudiante de arte plásticas y me gusta mucho el dibujo desde mi niñez, me gustaría hacer algo relacionad con la creación de multimedia
Instagram : @ ginka_jack

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Funny thing about this drawing this was originally going to be an Arourus giginka to relieve art block, but halfway through the drawing my brain said nope this is pearl in anime style XD

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* Deadline : 8 Nov 2019
* Booth lain yang akan dikunjungi : Idolish7, Blackstar Theather Starless, Otomate, Cygames, Tsukiutaya, Tsukipro Official Shop, Team Entertainment, Koi to Producer
* Bila booth yg kamu inginkan tidak ada di list, silahkan chat via WA/FB untuk custom ^^

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Looking at Marie and David design I guess that Ginka just like thighs I guess

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I became a crazy person who drew Giginka of maggot what grew up to be an adult fruit fly in my bathroom

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J'ai recyclé un vieux giginka d'il y a deux ans pour ce dessin, j'aime les couleurs au final ;v;
(oui ma hype pour AC est beaucoup trop élevée en ce moment)

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