Finally done with this 😭btw I have a Thanksgiving break for a week yayyy

4 14

w seneng liat okikagu nmr satu trus abis itu liat ginkagu nomer 23

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Another one of my OTP that I love madly!😭😭😭💖💖💖

11 39

—– He’ll definitely come back, staggering and spewing all over the place. If there’s nobody left on this planet at that time, who’ll put a blanket on that idiot when he passes out drunk?

7 23

Retomaré lo que empece...

6 14

Как же здорово, наверное, наесться всякими вкусняшками от пуза и, лежа под теплым, уютным котацу, вдыхать душный аромат добра, тишины и мандаринов 😏

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American style Ginkagu

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GinKagu. This is another canon for me.

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銀神ワンドロ設立記念~!さんちぇ氏に感謝をこめて…☆時間がなくて雑だけど!We should share the wonderful time of happy ginkagu hour, Thank you .

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