“There is more of Rhaegar in you, I think, but even Rhaegar could be slain. Robert proved that on the Trident, with no more than a warhammer. Even dragons can die.”

“Dragons die … But so do dragonslayers.”

-Jorah & Daenerys

78 261

A man in dark armor and a pale pink cloak spotted with blood stepped up to Robb. “Jaime Lannister sends his regards.” He thrust his longsword through her son’s heart, and twisted.

57 171

day 2: “tranquil”

The Godswoods in the series sound like they’d be fairly chill.
I also just really, really love the creepy trees, even if they demand

0 0

“Bran thought it curious that this pup alone would have opened his eyes while the others were still blind”
Jon Snow and Ghost from “A Game of Thrones”, first book of "A Song of Ice and Fire” series.

24 110

“The best lies contain within them nuggets of truth, enough to give a listener pause.”

-Petyr Baelish

43 103

Daily - Day -09-20-18
(2018) George of House Martin, Lord of Turtle
A tribute to (Sep 20, 1948 - ), with an of him within his turtle pin, surrounded by house sigils from . (#15,364)

1 5

‘If I look back I am lost.’

-Daenerys Targaryen

64 191

“May I congratulate you on your victory over the savages? The singers will make much of it, I know—”

“The singers may do as they like,” Stannis snapped. “Spare me your fawning, Janos, it will not serve you.” He rose to his feet and frowned at them all.

25 62

“Ah, Arya. You have a wildness in you, child. ‘The wolf blood,’ my father used to call it. Lyanna had a touch of it, and my brother Brandon more than a touch. It brought them both to an early grave.” Arya heard sadness in his voice.

-Eddard Stark

193 633

“I count no day as lived unless I have loved a woman, slain a foeman, and eaten a fine meal … and the days that I have lived are as numberless as the stars in the sky.”

-Daario Naharis

21 96

She wondered where this courage had come from, to speak to him so frankly. ‘From Winterfell,’ she thought. ‘I am stronger within the walls of Winterfell.’

-Sansa Stark

70 230

“The seed is strong.”

-Jon Arryn

12 71

“When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.”

-Cersei Lannister

61 168

“Will you make a song for him?” the woman asked.
“He has a song,” the man replied. “He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire.”

-Elia Martell & Rhaegar Targaryen

142 373

‘He is no true knight but he saved me all the same,’ she told the Mother. ‘Save him if you can, and gentle the rage inside him.’

-Sansa Stark

68 232

“You Starks are hard to kill.”

“You Lannisters had best remember that.”

-Tyrion Lannister & Robb Stark

59 210

“Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died.”

-Jorah Mormont

60 175