Eastern Dragon Studios -

Looking for a Fursuit? Illustration? Apparel?
You've come to the right place!
Kaikirith is a Melbourne based artist who has been doing furry commissions for the last 5 years!

Check them at Table

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2. [ Shokan Kaikibi ]

Its design is inspired by what its owner likes, although it is not very visible I think we can understand !

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Rauhallista joulua ja turvallisia jouluajoja kaikille saabisteille!

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Viikon vika perjantai, tasa-arvoisaa joulun odotusta kaikille ikään ja sukupuoleen katsoen. https://t.co/eyNuS4d6vZ Matti Simulan sanoin SK ja vuoden vimonen

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Here is my profile pic
I adore his goofiness.❤❤❤

My Foxy, pls hide before Moonbell notice the missing dumplings

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P'tit dessin

Don't trust Kaiki, doubt him

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Illustrations from the KAIKIDAN EKOTOBA, a 19th-century scroll featuring a collection of legendary monsters and freaks. (Found at Pink Tentacle.)

Shown here: Russian fireball; white monster and bird-dog hybrid; giant red fish; ghost of a woman with child.

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Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää kaikille! 🇫🇮❤️ Tässä on eilinen presidentti...

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the dorky man known as kaiki monogatari

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Мне не нравится, лучше что нибудь почитала

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remember when kaiki supervised them on their second date

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Espero que vuestro día esté siendo tan feliz como el de Kaiki. 🎈🐻🎡🎢

⬇️¿Te gustan los parques de atracciones? Échale un vistazo a

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Tänään on myös maailman ! Muistakaa, että pelaaminen ja tietokoneet eivät ole pelkästään poikien juttu, vaan jokaista tekniikasta, koodaamisesta tai peleistä kiinnostunutta lasta pitää kannustaa sukupuolesta riippumatta! <3

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"i just need to draw this ref sketch for myself because the game pics are t i n y" well something went very wrong

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Loop Iginahi no Kaikiten // PC-98 //

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