Hi! I'm Menadoensis or just Mena, i'm a self-taught illustrator who loves video games and drawing girls. 💖
Currently doing a lot of fe3h fanart! 💙

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Hi I'm Durgamaya from my work is mostly about women's right and empowerment in MENA countries, it has also a focus on the LGBTQIA+ community's rights in the area as an ally. I like to mix elements from Islamic and Moroccan art with an erotic touch.

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هذه استمارة إحصائية لأرمي الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا و الامارات وسيتم استخدامه كمرجع في حال وجود مشاريع لBTS في المنطقة.

الرجاء تعبئة هذا الاستبيان القصير
(نرجو من الارمي الإماراتي تعبئة الاثنان)

🌍MENA: https://t.co/lA7206JF8S

🇦🇪 فقط: https://t.co/bouNjxrWH9

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La bellezza soltanto è divina e visibile a un tempo, ed è per questo che essa è la via al sensibile,(..)la via che mena l’artista allo spirito

“La morte a Venezia”

particolari,Giudizio Universale Cappella Sistina, Michelangelo

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Para los que buscan buscan historias divertidas: "La siesta perfecta", de Pato Mena, publicada por la editorial NubeOcho y escogida para la selección de 100 libros recomendados del Premio Fundación Cuatrogatos 2019.

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Thank you for this thread! I'm Menadoensis (or just Mena!), a self-taught artist who is fascinated by many things but... to pick one, i'd say that i'm fascinated by weird creatures, especially deep-sea creatures. 👀

( 💖 )

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Hi, thank you for this thread! I'm Mena, and I love charadesign 😊

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Happy ! I'm Menadoensis (but call me Mena!), a self taught illustrator who loves character design. 😊

🌿 https://t.co/Cu17f5PZQP
🍃 https://t.co/grWhui0UW3
💌 menadoensis0.com

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Hi, I'm Pato Mena, a buinense author based in Barcelona.
I write and make my own books and work in mixed media 🖌️💾🔭

Here I'm:
✉️ menapato.com
Instagram: /

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Who was your favorite character from the live action version? 🐒🧞‍♂️ Oh my, Mena Massoud is such a perfect actor for Aladdin and I love him even more now that I know he is VEGAN ) 😭💕 He even sounded like him when he was singing 😳🤯

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Hi there! I'm Menadoensis (or just Mena 😄), an aspiring artist who draws mostly OCs and fanarts! Many thanks for this thread!! 😊

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28/4/1938: “...sense excusa de cap mena, el proper dia 30 presenteu-vos a la caserna de Girona i porteu un equip de manta, sabates, plat i cobert, tot en bon ús". Ruixat d'aigua freda per a algunes famílies de .Notificació que els fills han de marxar a la guerra

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2019年5月11日台北 花博爭艷館で開催のComic Horizon 6 漫創地平線【平25 うおのMENA】にて当アンソロジーのフライヤーを配布します。よろしくお願いします!

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ガイ・リッチー監督、メナ・マスード(Mena Massoud)、ナオミ・スコット、ウィル・スミス共演「アラジン」("Aladdin")のIMAX版ポスターが公開されたようだ。(ComingSoon net)

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Why AI Matters More Than Marketers May Think - AM Marketing, Media, Advertising News in MENA https://t.co/hOxiDZEBIu

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