Juri&Mena fanart comic ٩(๑>∀<๑)۶❗

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Esta de aquí es Menita
Mena pasó por mucho bullying en la escuela y eso hizo cerrarse a todos
Por suerte, la vida le regalaría su grupo de amigos que la acompañarían hasta en sus momentos de mayor ansiedad, reconoce que los llegó a tratar mal pero ahora eso a cambiado https://t.co/3x3VRb8QmX

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Saturday noon with Mena

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shinkane, inspired by una volta ancora by fred de palma and ana mena music video

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Basically all of my OCs are trans but here are some standouts for me!

1st pic: Mena, trans girl, she/her
2nd pic: Kieran, genderqueer guy, he/him (but doesn’t mind others)
3rd pic: Jinx, gendervoid, he/joke/they

Plus bonus non-binary Hunter art because it’s my comfort headcanon

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《掌門太忙》 / 南宮傑
感謝委託人:Mena Yuan

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【#うみづきのサブスク感謝イラスト 】

酉夢めいな(@ trim_mena )です🐐


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Saw Maria Mena live ✨✨ was amazing. So here's a lil doodle of her.

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kazoosgara my favitrte!!!!! !!11 i mena

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Since I watched when it aired and I was a huge fan of Javiera Mena’s staging design when she performed “Me Gustas Tú” there, I wanted to make a drawing of her singing, based on the performance! 🤩 Enjoy! 😉

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As promised here are the solo PNGs for everyone in my piece. 1/3
IchigoMilk, Trim Mena, Mujina Tanuhime, Tel Jiro.

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With the ninth pick in Round 10 of the (Season 5), the SWANA/MENA delegation selects Jessica Drew, AKA Spider-Woman! She is now Lebanese.

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Yeah! Husk design is amazing in the pilot but I definitely was too hard to animate and too much. His almost pilot design was even hard to animate then that. While I adore it it definitely too much and mena the design is not good in terms of making it a show. But they fix that!

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I hope they got a really good data base in MENA region too. Would interesting meeting nee fam member all over the world.

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こちらのイラスト企画にて、熨斗目メナさん(@ noshime_mena)様のイラストを描かせていただきました!
描かせていただいたメナさん、参加してくださった皆さま、ありがとうございました☺️💕 https://t.co/Pxq5gheFMc

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The latest set of Pettan-ko chibi acrylic straps includes De La Fille, Sophia, Jeanne, Ferry, Zooey, Robomi, Rosalia, and Shitori, with Mina Mena and Mona as a Cystore order bonus.

(Damn you autocorrect)

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