Abele e Caino s'incontrarono dopo la morte di Abele. Camminavano nel deserto e si riconobbero da lontano...
I fratelli sedettero in terra, accesero un fuoco e mangiarono. Tacevano... Nel cielo spuntava qualche stella, che non aveva ancora ricevuto il suo nome.
Alla luce delle

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Hi, Barry Loser back again.

Nancy is Bunky’s next-door neighbour and my second best friend. Unless I’ve had an argument with Bunky, then she’s my first.

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Barry Loser here again.

Bunky is my best friend, apart from when he annoys me and I send him home to think about how naughty he’s been.

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Fancy a bit of Friday fun? How about a takeover?

‘Hi Loserfans! I’m Barry. Some losers think they are keeler than me, but that’s impossible because I’m actually the keelest person that has ever lived (keel=cool).’

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Acho impressionante como passa os anos e a gente vai descobrindo algumas coisas em Dragon ball. haha

Eu pelo menos nunca tinha reparado nisso. O Yamcha no treino com Kami Sama no mangá foi desenhado usando suas botas da sua roupa do "Ladrão do deserto"!

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El soldado marcado como desertor.
El esclavo de los Puentes.
El capitán del hombre más poderoso de Roshar.

"Habían vivido y muerto tres hombres con el mismo nombre.
Y ahora estaba transformándose en el Caballero Radiante que salvaría a la humanidad, «Kaladin Stormblessed»."

25 139


おねーちゃん☆Power by 星川陽乃 starring 妃苺 on STARRY ARTET HELLO WORLD 01 HINANO HOSHIKAWA in ♪♪

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ラノベ&ドラマCD製作サークルhttps://t.co/NUiMG47cRU コミティア「し37b」

1stシーズン総集編 文庫edit.

ドラマCD 1stシーズン①〜④(完結)

13 17


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フィナーレ ~ミント~ by 仲野順也 on DEWPRISM Original Soundtrack DISC MINT in ♪♪

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Continuando a Série Megaman, vamos de X5 hoje!
Mas será uma ROM HACK com diversos consertos, com melhorias gráficas, de level design e game design.

Bora conferir como tá essa versão!



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・1stシーズン総集編 文庫edition


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Rei do deserto

Pfp made by:

4 35

piece of youth by ChouCho on piece of youth - Single in ♪♪

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Sorry for the hiatus, have been sick for a week;
Btw something for Easter from last year~~

Sephiroth ®© FF7, SE
🌟Antares🌟 (OC) © Me

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