a friend asked for something with color, dynamic and abstract... jumped into He's not convinced but got his head spinning ideas.

2 30

Trying to replicate a style in is like dealing with a temperamental child. Clouds are too messy, and I'm not sure how to fix it without going with Not sure if it is possible. Checked library of prompts, no luck for now.

2 18

I've been having a lot of fun with AI image generation since the public release of
I've done a lot of experimenting and been trying to get the AI to recreate one of my paintings as an interesting exercise.

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Getting close to my aesthetic using Requires wildly different prompts.

19 264

Full anime is hard to do, but here's my secret sauce for anime-esque characters in
Prompt: [subject], pastel art by John William Waterhouse and Kyoto animation. k_euler_a, 15 steps.
Not every generation will look like these, but I've had good luck with the combo

0 12

Vamos con una serie en homenaje a También generada con la IA

Si no conocéis Robotta, es un juego de rol creado por y publicado por .

Iré ilustrando un poco el mundo de juego junto a las imágenes que he generado en el hilo🧵⤵️

21 58

3 minuty w MS Paint, minuta w modelu Użyłem tylko domyślnych kolorów Paint'a. Model dźwiga kompozycję światło i kolory bo wie jak nimi operować analizując dane prawdziwych artystów. Narzędzie fajne, ale tworzy masę problemów etycznych.

6 208

8/? I put them all back into and did some cleaning up, added a few more details to her hair and skin (you know I had to rep the Lisa Frank skin!) and ended up with her! I allllmost submitted her, but that hand was really bugging me. Sooooo I turned to

0 8

Lady soldiers with 'Alberto Vargas' and 'pinup' give you good vectors for these
don't try and generate guns it doesn't work

1 4

Some lovely made with It really is the best at landscapes, in any style you could hope for.

0 3

Playing with using my art as an initial image in
Still trying to get Overlords lips consistent, lol.

23 134

Hilo de imágenes creadas con Lo iré actualizando con el tiempo.
Los prompts usados están como texto ALT.

Ruinas de una civilización futurista

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